Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Women's media center honors me with profile of 30 extraordinary women in history

Rachell Arteaga is inspired by your work and chose to write about you. Read Rachell’s commentary here:http://womensmediacenter.com/blog/2010/03/mana-kasongo-a-woman-making-history/

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Newsweek Article


Finally, a reporter that gets to to the crux of the healthcare problem. What good is healthcare reform when you don't have enough physicians to actually see the "newly insured". I have been writing about this since the summer. See my previous post "Letter From an Emergency Room Physician". Kudos Mary Carmichael!

Naomi Klein: Investigative reporter on Haiti


Check out this amazing article. Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine, writes that the Haiti disaster was a man-influenced and that the Haitians are in fact owed reparations for their pain and suffering. It parallels my discussion on the women's media center blog. Klein is one of the most influential investigative reporters of our time